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Professional License

Mainland Industrial License in Sharjah, UAE

If you’re looking to obtain an industrial license in Sharjah or anywhere in the UAE, here’s everything you need to know.

An industrial license is issued to businesses engaged in transforming natural resources or raw materials into finished goods. A key requirement for obtaining this license is having a physical warehouse located within the UAE.

The Sharjah Economic Department is responsible for issuing this license, and you will also need approvals from the Sharjah Municipality and other relevant authorities.

Activities Covered Under the Industrial License

The following major activities fall under the industrial license:

  • Textile manufacturing
  • Bread manufacturing
  • Food production
  • Paper manufacturing
  • Petroleum product manufacturing
  • Metal casting
  • Equipment and engine manufacturing

Required Documents for an Industrial License

To apply for an industrial license, you need to prepare the following documents:

  • A detailed report outlining the industry or factory, including plans, objectives, equipment information, manufacturing costs, capital sources, employee details, and other relevant information.
  • Copies of passports and residence permits
  • A feasibility study
  • A partnership contract (if applicable)
  • Approvals from the National Media Council
  • Approvals from the Ministry of Environment and Water, Ministry of Interior, and Ministry of Health
  • A copy of the balance sheet

Conditions to Fulfil

Before applying for the license, ensure that you meet the following requirements:

  • Local License: It is mandatory for industrial activities and must be issued from the area where you plan to operate.
  • Capital: Your company must have a minimum capital of AED 250,000.
  • Employees: A minimum of ten employees or workers is required.
  • Office and Warehouse: You must have a physical office and warehouse.

Advantages of an Industrial License

  • Competitive rates for utilities like water and electricity.
  • Reduced rates for innovative products.
  • The UAE government prioritizes high-quality products during official procurement.
  • Subsidized land rates for industrial establishment.
  • Financial support from the government during research and development, especially if your products contribute to the national economy.

Steps to Obtain an Industrial License

  1. Initial Approval: Begin by obtaining initial approval from the relevant authorities.
  2. Apply: Contact the Sharjah Economic Department to apply for the license.
  3. Processing Time: The application process typically takes around three months.
  4. Notification: Upon approval, you will receive a notification from the Sharjah Economic Department within fifteen days.
  5. Construction Permission: Secure permission from the Sharjah Municipality before constructing your factory.
  6. Final Approvals: Obtain necessary approvals from various ministries and agencies, including the Ministry of Health and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
  7. Construction Deadline: Once approved, you must complete the construction of your industrial space within six months.

Obligations After Approval

  • Submit all necessary data and a letter stating when you plan to commence industrial activities to the Sharjah Economic Department, which will then issue a certificate of authorization.
  • Notify relevant authorities about your inclusion in the register of industries.
  • Submit any amendments related to your factory operations to the Sharjah Economic Department.
  • You cannot lease or sell property allocated by the government for industrial activities.
  • Maintain and submit employee data to the Sharjah Economic Department.
  • Adhere to federal laws requiring 25% of your workforce to be local Emiratis.
  • Comply with health, hygiene, and safety regulations.
  • Follow all established policies, rules, and regulations.
  • Notify the Sharjah Economic Department in writing about any changes in directorship.
  • Regularly report to the concerned authorities.

Obtaining an industrial license can be complex and challenging. For personalized guidance, reach out to our business consultants who will assist you throughout the process.

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